Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Merchant of Venice Antonio's trial (Act 4) Essay

The Merchant of Venice Antonio's trial (Act 4) - Essay Example s a few impossible tasks like asking the tides not to rise, expecting the wolf to show pity to the ewe and not to devour the lamb, and to expect the firs not to make noise when the wind blows throw them, and then goes on to say that these are easily done as compared to expecting Shylock to be merciful. Shylock answers to the accusation by stating that he is no less merciless than the rest of the so called civilized men present there. He states how these people mistreat their slaves and how none of them would dream of treating them on equal footing with themselves. He then asks why it is that he is expected to forego his â€Å"pound of flesh† when they do not forfeit their slaves. Analyze the factores of argument used and identify these with those that both Shylock used & the lawyer (Portia) used. Consider the key factors as presented in your text book (Beyond feelings by Vicent Ryab Ruggiero 8th edition) - both the positive & negative forms of argument. The arguments that Antonio uses to state why it is useless to expect mercy from Shylock are negative. It is easy to see how he builds the premise to prove that Shylock is heard-hearted. The stated premise here is that impossible things can be achieved more easily than to get Shylock to change his heart. The Conclusion being that Shylock will not change his mind, for he is merciless. When Portia and Shylock argue later on, Portia first of all uses affirmative argument towards showing mercy, which Shylock simply denies by using the negative argument, which is that the law allows him to get the bond enforced, so there is no need for mercy. Portia uses affirmative arguments, whereas Antonio shows negative arguments towards a show of mercy. Portia states why Shylock should be merciful whereas Antonio avers how Shylock would not be merciful. Shylock’s own arguments remain the same, whether he is arguing with Portia or with Antonio. His premise is simple that as he is not required to show mercy under any law,

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